Monday, November 21, 2011

Nursery Rhymes


A Child Should Always Say What's True

A child should always say what's true,

And speak when he is spoken to;

And behave mannerly at table,

 At least as far as he is able.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Tongue Twister For Kids

What is Tongue Twister?

Tongue Twisters it is a phrase or sentence which is hard to speak fast, usually because of alliteration or a sequence of nearly similar sounds. It helps develop speech skills & helps in speech therapy.

To get the full effect of a tongue twister you should try to repeat it several times, as quickly as possible, without stumbling or mispronouncing.

Here are some cool English Tongue Twisters, have fun ! Repeat them a few times !
A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies
I saw a saw that could out saw any other saw I ever saw.
Betty Botter bought some butter, but she said "this butter's bitter! But a bit
of better butter will but make my butter better" So she bought some better
butter, better than the bitter butter, and it made her butter better so 'twas
better Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter! - sent in by Nick (
warwickschool )

Black bug bit a big black bear. But where is the big black bear that the big black bug bit?
A big bug bit the little beetle but the little beetle bit the big bug back.
If you understand, say "understand".
If you don't understand, say "don't understand".
But if you understand and say "don't understand".
How do I understand that you understand? Understand!

I thought, I thought of thinking of thanking you.
I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won't wish the wish you wish to wish.
if a sledering snail went down a slippery slide would a snail sleder or slide down the slide- By S.Walton
bubble bobble, bubble bobble, bubble bobble
These thousand tricky tongue twisters trip thrillingly off the tongue .
Sounding by sound is a sound method of sounding sounds.
Lala Gope Gappungam Das. sent by Vishal Jain..(Mumbai)
You curse, I curse, we all curse, for asparagus!
Kacha papaya pacca papaya Kacha papaya pacca papaya Kacha papaya pacca papaya.
Sanjeev's sixth sheep is sick sent by S.Raju ...(Cochin)
Double bubble gum, bubbles double.
Betty bought butter but the butter was bitter, so Betty bought better butter to make the bitter butter better.
A sailor went to sea To see, what he could see. And all he could see Was sea, sea, sea.
A box of mixed biscuits, a mixed biscuit box.
Upper roller lower roller Upper roller lower roller. .... sent by Poonam Damani ..(Guwahati)
Purple Paper People, Purple Paper People, Purple Paper People
If two witches were watching two watches, which witch would watch which watch? ...sent by Richard Walsh.
Which watch did which witch wear and which witch wore which watch? ..sent by Uncle Philly (USA)
Six slippery snails, slid slowly seaward.
I thought a thought.
But the thought I thought wasn't the thought I thought I thought.
If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought, I wouldn't have thought so much.

Once a fellow met a fellow In a field of beans. Said a fellow to a fellow, "If a fellow asks a fellow, Can a fellow tell a fellow What a fellow means?"
How much wood could a wood chuck; chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood..........sent by Kiran Grewal - USA
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!
Paresh P Patel plans to peel potatoes in Pune
An Ape hates grape cakes.
She sells sea shells on the sea shore she sells sea shells no more - By Sethna Hilla
I slit a sheet, a sheet I slit. And on a slitted sheet I sit. I slit a sheet, a sheet I slit. The sheet I slit, that sheet was it.
Any noise annoys an oyster but a noisy noise annoys an oyster more.
A skunk sat on a stump. The stump thought the skunk stunk. the skunk thought the stump stunk . What stunk the skunk or the stump?
The owner of the inside inn was inside his inside inn with his inside outside his inside inn.
If one doctor doctors another doctor does the doctor who doctors the doctor doctor the doctor the way the doctor he is doctoring doctors? Or does the doctor doctor the way the doctor who doctors doctors?
baboon bamboo, baboon bamboo, baboon bamboo, baboon bamboo, baboon bamboo, baboon bamboo......
My Bhaiya buys black Bananas by the bunch.
The thirty-three thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday.
Daddy draws doors.Daddy draws doors.Daddy draws doors.
Do tongue twisters twist your tongue? by Sneha. A (New Delhi)
Friendly Fleas and Fire Flies
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing. by Saachi Khatri (Mumbai)
Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear, Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair, FuzzyWuzzy wasn't very fuzzy... was he???
How many cans can a canner can, if a canner can can cans?
A canner can can as many cans as a canner can, if a canner can can cans.
How much wood could a wood chopper chop, if a wood chopper could chop wood?
If a black bug bleeds black blood, what color blood does a blue bug bleed?
If Freaky Fred Found Fifty Feet of Fruit and Fed Forty Feet to his Friend Frank how many Feet of Fruit did Freaky Fred Find?
Penny's pretty pink piggy bank
"When a doctor falls ill another doctor doctor's the doctor. Does the doctor doctoring the doctor doctor the doctor in his own way or does the doctor doctoring the doctor doctors the doctor in the doctor's way"
A tutor who tooted the flute, tried to tutor two tooters to toot. Said the two to the tutor, 'Is it harder to toot or to tutor two tooters to toot?'
One smart fellow, he felt smart. Two smart fellows, they felt smart. Three smart fellows, they all felt smart.
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
if Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
wheres the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?
Black bug's blood.
Crisp crusts crackle and crunch.
It's not the cough that carries you off, it's the coffin they carry you off in!
Tie a knot, tie a knot.
Tie a tight, tight knot.
Tie a knot in the shape of a nought.

Freshly-fried fat flying fish
Rubber baby-buggy bumpers.
Jolly juggling jesters jauntily juggled jingling jacks.
Kindly kittens knitting mittens keep kazooing in the king's kitchen.

Billy Button bought a buttered biscuit,
did Billy Button buy a buttered biscuit?
If Billy Button bought a buttered biscuit,
Where's the buttered biscuit Billy Button bought ?? .....By Shirish Karker ( India)
The sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick.
A skunk sat on a stump and thunk the stump stunk,
but the stump thunk the skunk stunk.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Animals Masks to Print

These colourful animal masks are easy to print and cut out and offer lots of potential fun for your kids. Use them to put on plays, give them away in party bags, or support a farm animal or African animal theme unit.

Back to Printables

Learn to Draw Animals

Learn to Draw Animals

Print and enjoy our Learn to Draw Animals pages for kids of all ages. Kids can use our step by step illustrations to discover how to draw all sorts of animals and build up their skills and confidence in the they are just good fun!

Learn to draw a bat
Learn to draw a bat NEW!
Learn to draw a cat
Learn to draw a cat
Learn to draw a chicken
Learn to draw a chicken
Learn to draw a dog
Learn to draw a dog
Learn to draw a duck
Learn to draw a duck
Learn to draw an elephant
Learn to draw an elephant
Learn to draw a goat
Learn to draw a goat
Learn to draw a horse
Learn to draw a horse
Learn to draw a pig
Learn to draw a pig
Learn to draw a peacock
Learn to draw a peacock
Learn to draw a sheep
Learn to draw a sheep
Learn to draw a squirrel
Learn to draw a squirrel
Learn to draw a tiger
Learn to draw a tiger
Learn to draw a turkey
Learn to draw a turkey

Saturday, October 29, 2011

ESL-Kids Worksheet Generator - ESL stuff for kids including flashcards, worksheets, classroom games and children's song lyrics.

ESL-KIDS Worksheet Generator

Create thousands of worksheets and printables for ESL kids' classes with the ESL-Kids worksheet generator.

For teachers in a hurry:
  1. Choose a theme
  2. Click "New Random List"
  3. Scroll down the page
  4. Choose a worksheet wizard

For teachers with time to spare:
  1. Choose a theme
  2. Click "New Random List"
  3. Customize the list
  4. Click "Use these words"
  5. Scroll down the page
  6. Choose a worksheet wizard

There are over a dozen wizards to choose from including bingo, word search, match-up and board game wizards.

Bookmark this site and come back often to check for new themes or additions to the worksheet generator!
Classroom Word List
Customize this list:

esl-kids worksheets
Create a writing practice sheet with the words above:
Zaner-Bloser style worksheet.
D'Nealian style worksheet.

esl-kids worksheets
Create text-only flashcards with the words above:
Create text-only flashcards.

esl-kids worksheets
Create a tracing worksheet using the words above:
Make a tracing worksheet.

esl-kids worksheets
Create a trace and match-up sheet using the words above:
Make a trace and match-up worksheet.

esl-kids worksheets
Create a multiple-choice worksheet using the words above:
Make a multiple-choice worksheet.

esl-kids worksheets
Create a fun 'Rock, Paper, Scissors' game with the words above:
Words-only game.
Pictures-only game.

esl-kids worksheets
Create a dice game with the words above:
Vocabulary 'Dice' game.
Word & Picture 'Dice' game.

esl-kids worksheets
Create a die template with pictures for the words above:
Make a die template.

esl-kids worksheets
Create a spelling quiz with pictures for the words above:
Make a spelling quiz.

esl-kids worksheets
Create a 3 x 3 bingo sheet using the selected theme.
NOTE: This wizard uses the chosen theme, not the word list above.
Make a 3 x 3 bingo sheet.

esl-kids worksheets
Create a 4 x 4 bingo sheet using the selected theme.
NOTE: This wizard uses the chosen theme, not the word list above.
Make a 4 x 4 bingo sheet.

esl-kids worksheets
Create a 5 x 5 bingo sheet using the selected theme.
NOTE: This wizard uses the chosen theme, not the word list above.
Make a 5 x 5 bingo sheet.

esl-kids worksheets
Create a slam sheet with pictures for the words above:
Make a slam sheet with hands.
Make a slam sheet with drums.

esl-kids worksheets
Create a drawing sheet so kids can copy the pictures for the words above:
Make a drawing sheet.

esl-kids worksheets
Create a board game using pictures for the words above, or from the whole theme.
Make a board game with the six items in your word list.
Make a board game with random pictures from the theme.

esl-kids worksheets
Create a word search using the words above:

Word Search Word List
Upper-case Upper-case
Lower-case Lower-case

Easy Difficult
Make a word search.

esl-kids worksheets
Create an unscramble sheet in which the words above are scrambled and the kids need to unscramble them:
Make an unscramble sheet.

esl-kids worksheets
Create a spinner so kids can practice saying the vocabulary for the words above:

Make a spinner.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

What are Multiple Intelligences?

            What are Multiple Intelligences?
It has been claimed by some researchers that our intelligence or ability to understand
the world around us is complex. Some people are better at understanding some things
 than others.

For some of us it is relatively easy to understand how a flower grows but it is immensely
difficult for us to understand and use a musical instrument. For others music might be
easy but playing football is difficult.

Instead of having one intelligence it is claimed that we have several different
These are listed below:
Kinaesthetic - Body SmartLinguistic - Word Smart
Logical - Number SmartInterpersonal - People Smart
Intrapersonal - Myself SmartMusical - Music Smart
Visual/Spatial - Picture SmartNaturalistic - Nature Smart
What special intelligences do you have? You can find out by
answering a few simple questions.
Kinaesthetic - Body Smart
You may be body smart. You will enjoy sports and are good at swimming,
athletics, gymnastics and other sports. This is sometimes called being
Kinaesthetic smart.
Linguistic - Word Smart
You may be word smart. You will enjoy reading, writing and talking about
things. This is sometimes called being Linguistic smart.
Logical - Number Smart
You may be number smart. You will be good at mathematics and other number
activities;you are also good at solving problems. This is sometimes called being
Logical smart.
Interpersonal - People Smart
You may be people smart. You will like to mix with other people and you will
 belong to lots of clubs. You like team games and are good at sharing. This is
sometimes called being Interpersonal smart.
Intrapersonal - Myself Smart
You may be myself smart. You will know about yourself and your strengths and
weaknesses. You will probably keep a diary. This is sometimes called being
Intrapersonal smart.
Musical - Music Smart
You may be music smart. You will enjoy music and can recognise sounds,
and timbre, or the quality of a tone. This is sometimes called being
Musical smart.
Visual/Spatial - Picture Smart
You may be picture smart. You will be good at art and also good at other
activities where you look at pictures like map reading, finding your way out
of mazes and graphs.This is sometimes called being Visual/Spatial smart.
Naturalistic - Nature Smart
You may be nature smart. You will like the world of plants and animals and
enjoy learning about them. This is sometimes called being Naturalistic smart.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Cute Craft

Circle Elephant Craft -
Shapes, Scissor Skills, Colors, and Counting Practice

This craft can be used to teach a variety of skills. You don't have to use all the thoughts for lessons... just choose the ones you're working on with your child. There is a second template with a body that you can optionally use.
elephant shapes paper craft


  • scissors,
  • glue,
  • printer,
  • paper

Thoughts for Lessons:

  • This craft has lots of circles plus a few rectangles and triangles to cut out -- good scissor practice!
  • You can precut the template into separate pieces (roughly) to make it a bit easier for beginning crafters to cut out the circles.
  • Separate the circles, triangles and rectangles.
  • verbally instruct the children on how to assemble the shapes using the colors of the shapes. (ie: Take the pink circle and glue it on the grey circle.).
  • show the children two circles and ask -- is this one bigger, smaller or the same size as that one.
  • Count the circles, count the rectangles and count the triangles.

Assembly Directions:

  • Glue the two medium sized pink circles inside two of the large gray circles to make the ears.
elephant shapes paper craft
  • Glue the ears to the third large gray circle (the head).
elephant shapes paper craft
  • Glue the small circle eyes into the center of the head.
elephant shapes paper craft
  • Glue the long rectangle (trunk) dangling down from the center of the head.
elephant shapes paper craft
  • Glue the two skinny triangles, point down, to either side of the trunk to complete the elephant's head.
elephant shapes paper craft

Assembly - Template 2:

  • to make the body, glue the head you've completed from template 1 onto the large body circle.
  • glue the rectangle legs onto the bottom of the body
  • glue the tail together from the largest triangle to the smallest and attach to the body
elephant shapes paper craft

DLTK's Crafts for Kids
